Weight Loss Body Wraps

20 Jul

The first process is called lymphatic drainage. This process is also incited during some types of special massage. During this process, the interstitial fluids (lymph) in your fat cells, is allowed to move freely and transports your fatty acids and toxins out of your body as waste. These fluids contain harmful impurities which your body has stored from the processed foods we eat and the air we breathe. Losing these fluids will allow you to lose inches immediately.

To lose weight in your midsection or just in general, we have to eliminate some of the junk foods we are accustomed to as Americans.  This has nothing to do with all these fancy diets we see all over the place that are impossible to maintain.  It just means watch what you eat.  Be conscious of the amount of calories and trans-fat that your taking in.

This type of body wrap creates inch loss by aiding the lymphatic system in the removal of stored toxins. These toxins enter into your system through poor dieting, the environment, and   pollutants! Weight loss body wraps stimulate lymphatic drainage which releases toxins and fatty acids from your cells into your capillaries. These toxins are then eliminated along with the system’s natural waste process.

If you are targeting a specific area, it is recommended to use several treatments until you get the desired results. Although these weight loss body wraps can be used daily, it is suggested to wait 72 hours in between treatments because the natural ingredients found in the body wrap applicators will continue to work for up to 72 hours. After removing the wrap, you should massage in the remaining ingredients into your skin.

Body wraps that use algae and detox treatments help rid the body of toxins through metabolic stimulation. Body wraps using moisturizing rich lotions are hydrating treatments geared towards softening and healing the skin. Body wraps utilizing other ingredients are typically formulated to aide in weight loss.

The inch loss with body wraps happens because once the fat and toxins are removed from the cell, there are empty parts of the cell left. The body wraps, if secured on tightly will squeeze these cells together, and this is how you lose those inches fast. You will also notice your skin feeling softer and more supple since a lot of the body wrap ingredients are very moisturizing as well. The inches you lose also don’t come back immediately.

You can expect a loss of several inches in just under 1 hour.  The weight loss body wrap is to be applied on the targeted area for forty-five minutes to one hour.  It can stay on even longer so that your body can absorb even more of the active herbal ingredients.  The results are not just temporary as with other body wraps found online today.  These results will actually last for several weeks to a month.

Another easy way to detox your body is with special herbal body wraps. These make you lose the inches and it is fat that melts away, not water weight. Many celebrities use this before a special red carpet event. Also people going to a special function or even a bride can take advantage of this to look stunning on her wedding day.

One Response to “Weight Loss Body Wraps”

  1. fabulouslyglamorous July 20, 2009 at 2:05 pm #

    I ready about weight loss body wraps in a UK edition of one of my magazines. I think it’s so interesting. I would love to try it.


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